October 24, 2012 Wednesday Heshvan 9, 5773
"No, the Rapure will not be in 2012"
24 Oct 12
Sudan: Israel behind arms factory blast
An arms factory in Khartoum where there were blasts and a huge fire overnight was attacked by four military planes, a Sudanese minister said on Wednesday, blaming the air strike on Israel. Sudan, analysts say is used as an arms smuggling route to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip via neighbouring Egypt-"Four military planes attacked the Yarmouk plant ..We believe that Israel is behind it," Information Min. Ahmed Belal Osman told reporters, "Sudan reserves the right to strike back at Israel"
BBC’s Growing Sexual Abuse Scandal Shakes Britain
Jimmy Savile was the host of a popular children’s TV show on the BBC for years. He died last year at the age of 84. The BBC program “Newsnight” was to have aired an investigation into charges that Savile sexually abused children.Members of British Parliament want to know why it was cancelled. Britain’s Culture Secretary, Maria Miller, said “very real concerns” about the public trust in the BBC have been raised.
Iraq's oil reserves have potential to reshape global energy landscape
In a major new study published last week, the International Energy Agency reconfirmed what Washington has long suspected: Iraq has the potential to reshape the global energy landscape in the years ahead, thanks to its huge untapped oil reserves. But whether Baghdad can capitalize on this opportunity is far from clear. The stakes are high—both for the global economy and the country’s future.
Turkey looks to Iran, Russia to tackle Syria crisis
Turkey is turning to regional powers Iran and Russia, backers of the Damascus regime, to help it deal with Syria's bloody civil war that has spilled across its border with deadly shelling and a flood of refugees, analysts say. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave the first signs last week that Ankara may be shifting the way it approaches the 19-month conflict after holding what local media called a "surprise meeting" with Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad in Baku.
State Department emails from day of Libya attack show Al Qaeda-tied group on radar
Fox News was told that an estimated 300 to 400 national security figures received these emails in real time almost as the raid was playing out and concluding. People who received these emails work directly under the nation’s top national security, military and diplomatic officials, Fox News was told.
Heading toward an irreparable rift between U.S. Jews and Protestants
As relations between Jews and mainline Protestants in the U.S. hit a 45-year low after 15 Protestant leaders sent a letter to Congress urging that aid to Israel be reconsidered.
White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails
Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show. The emails, obtained...from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department..., specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.
Thousands in Madrid protest 2013 budget cuts
Cordoned off by police riot vans, the crowd outside the government headquarters in Madrid yelled slogans lambasting further austerity measures and political corruption, demanding the resignations of the deputies of both the ruling conservative Popular Party and the opposition Socialists.
Sunspot Groups Pose Threat For Earth-Directed Flares Over Next Ten Days
Solar cameras have spotted two groups that pose a developing risk of Earth-directed flares, which will have a threat to communications and the sensitive should one go off. Nothing Earth-directed has struck yet, but it is being monitored through this week for them. Both groups have developing magnetic fields that will harbor the energy from X-class solar flares.
Strongest-ever earthquake hits Quang Nam
Thousands of locals rushed out of their houses in panic after they heard loud blasts and felt the ground shaking, houses’ walls cracking, and things inside the houses falling,
Sun unleashes X-class flare from volatile sunspot
Sunspot AR1598 erupted on Oct. 23rd at 0322 UT, producing a strong X1-class solar flare.
Syrian government 'agrees to Eid al-Adha ceasefire'
The UN's envoy to Syria says President Bashar al-Assad's government has agreed to abide by a ceasefire during the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha. Lakhdar Brahimi told reporters in Cairo that most opposition factions had also said they would observe any ceasefire. The government said it would make its final decision on Thursday.
Mali crisis: 'Foreign fighters come to help Islamists'
Foreign fighters have arrived in a town in northern Mali, Gao's exiled mayor has told the BBC, confirming reports of an influx of jihadists to the north. Sadou Diallo said between 60 and 100 Algerians and Sahrawis had come into the town about four or five days ago. A resident in Timbuktu told the AFP news agency on Monday that Sudanese Islamists had arrived over the weekend.
Eurozone business activity hits fresh low
Business activity in the eurozone contracted at its fastest pace in almost three-and-a-half years in October, a survey suggests. The Markit Flash Eurozone Purchasing Managers' (PMI) Composite Output Index fell to 45.8, from 46.1 in September. A figure below 50 indicates contraction.
Donald Trump to reveal 'Michelle and Barack Obama's divorce papers', claims respected financial pundit
Trump set the hare running on Monday by claiming that he was set to make an announcement on Wednesday that would be ‘bordering on gigantic' and that it would ‘possibly’ change the Presidential race.
Schäuble Warns Worst Is Yet to Come
Europe's debt crisis seems to have entered a calm phase, but that's only an illusion, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said on Tuesday. The worst is probably still to come, he warned.
U.N. calls for 'anti-terror' Internet surveillance
A 148-page report (PDF) released today titled "The Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes" warns that terrorists are using social networks and other sharing sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Dropbox, to spread "propaganda."
Gazans fire 60 rockets, mortar shells into Israel; 5 hurt
Palestinian terrorists fired 60 rockets and mortar shells into southern Israel Wednesday morning, injuring five and sending local residents fleeing for cover. IAF strikes targeting Palestinian rocket-launching squads killed four Hamas operatives but did little to stem the flow of rockets.
Powerful quake strikes Costa Rica, no initial reports of damage
A powerful earthquake struck western Costa Rica on Tuesday, shaking buildings in the capital and sending residents running onto the streets, but there were no initial reports of damage or injuries. Inhabitants of San Jose ran out of buildings after the 6.6 magnitude quake hit, following another big quake last month. Many went back indoors soon afterward, a Reuters witness said.
The 'other' presidential debate: Third-party candidates make their cases
Excluded from the mainstream presidential debates, four candidates representing third parties face off Oct. 23 in a debate, moderated by former CNN talk-show host Larry King. The forum, described by sponsors as the Free and Equal Debate, will be broadcast live by C-SPAN and livestreamed over the Internet, starting at 9 p.m. EDT.
Obama Has Massive Lead in Global Poll
It is not even close: In a world poll of the U.S. presidential race, President Barack Obama is the clear favorite over Governor Mitt Romney. By a margin of 50-9 percent, Obama is favored in the poll of 21,797 respondents in 21 countries around the world. "France was the most strongly pro-Obama (72%)," according to the BBC. The only country that would select Romney over Obama is Pakistan, though neither candidate gets more than 20 percent of the support in that country. And the country where Romney polls the highest? Kenya. But even there, Romney's support does not even eclipse the 20 percent mark.
Hal Lindsey Report
"Manifested Destiny"
Why the World Won’t End Until at Least 2024!
on Thursday, October 11, 2012 by Bill Salus
This article was written for Jewish Voice Magazine’s January – February 2013 edition.
Fortunately astute Bible prophecy believers weren’t surprised when they woke up on December 22, 2012 and discovered that the Mayan Mesoamerican Long Count calendar was inaccurate. All the hype about the end of the world occurring on December 21, 2012 was baseless to them because they recognized that this present world wouldn’t end until seven-years of tribulation passed upon the earth.
The seven-year “Tribulation Period,” as it is commonly referred to in many Christian circles, is a major eschatological theme in the Bible. Other associated biblical tags for this period are, “Daniel’s Seventieth Week,” “The Day of the Lord,” “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” and several more. According to Daniel 9:26-27this period commences when the Antichrist confirms a seven–year covenant with “many,” including the nation of Israel. We recognize Israel’s participation in this treaty from Isaiah 28:15 and 18, and Daniel 9:24.
Isaiah’s verses inform us that Israel at the time is extremely concerned about some “overflowing scourge” that is sweeping through the world. The Israeli leadership believes that by partaking of this future treaty, which Isaiah calls a “covenant with death,” enables the Jewish state to avert destruction. Daniel 9:24 clarifies that seventy weeks of years are determined for the Jews and the holy city of Jerusalem to accomplish seven important spiritual feats.
There are many portions of scripture that split this seven-year period of tribulation into two-parts. It is commonly taught among Bible prophecy teachers that the first three and one-half years present Israel with a period of peace, but that peace is abruptly interrupted at the mid-point when the Antichrist enters into the coming third Jewish temple, and fulfills the Daniel 11:31 and 12:11 prophecies Christ warned about in Matthew 24:15.
This abominable act of the Antichrist is commonly called the “Abomination of Desolation.” From that point forward the Antichrist attempts a final genocidal attempt of the Jews during the last three and one-half years of tribulation, which is often referred to as the “Great Tribulation” period. During the Great Tribulation Zechariah 13:8-9 warns that two-thirds of the Israelis will be killed, but fortunately the other third will survive and become a faithful believing remnant.
The glaring point of all this mind-boggling prophetic information above is that the Antichrist has not confirmed this seven-year covenant with Israel yet. Therefore the end of this present world can’t come for at least seven more years. In fact, I explain in my book, Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, why there is probably a minimum of eleven and one-half years remaining on the end time’s clock. Below is a quote from the pertinent section of Revelation Road, but first here is an important preface.
In fifty-two highly descriptive passages the prophet Ezekiel predicts that nine sizable populations will invade Israel in the “latter years.” This is a prophecy that many Bible prophecy teachers are expecting to find final fulfillment in the near future. The image identifies the consensus among many scholars of who these ancient populations represent on a modern day map. (1) (The arrows point from Gomer, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Magog, Togarmah, Put, Libya, and Cush)
Fortunately, the Lord intervenes on Israel’s behalf and divinely defeats this formidable Gog of Magog coalition according to Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. Subsequently, the nation of Israel embarks upon a national campaign to harness the energy from the weapons of these defeated enemies. With this in mind the quote from Revelation Road reads as follows;
“Ezekiel 39:9-10 suggests Israel will possess the know-how to convert the weapons of mass destruction possessed by the Ezekiel 38 invaders into fuel. Israel appears to utilize these weapons for fuel and energy consumption for a period of seven-years. This will be no problem during the peaceful first half of the tribulation, but not likely during the perilous second half, because Jews will be fleeing for their lives, rather than harnessing this energy.
Therefore, many scholars suggest that Ezekiel 38 must conclude, not commence, no later than three and one-half years before the seven-years of tribulation even begins. This allows the Jews seven full years to burn the weapons before they begin fleeing for their lives. Realistically, it will probably take approximately a year to even collect, dismantle, and covert the weapons cache prior to that.
Here’s how this could break down incrementally in real time. Allow about one year for the Ezekiel 38 battle to occur and the weapons to be converted. Remember, assembling a coalition and mobilizing an invasion of the scope described in Ezekiel 38 is no twenty-four hour undertaking. Then consider an additional seven-year span to burn the weapons. And lastly, add in the final three and one-half years of Great Tribulation, for a total of eleven and one-half years.
If this hypothesis is correct, this means that at least (underscore at least because it’s probably going to be longer) that from the time the Ezekiel 38 invasion begins until the second coming of Christ to set up His kingdom, there will exist approximately eleven and one-half years. I could be more technical on the timing, becauseDaniel 12:11-12 adds an additional seventy-five days to the equation. His infamous ‘Seventieth Week’ ends, and then the two and one-half month interval kicks in, at which time the sheep and goat judgment of Matthew 25:32-46 seemingly takes place.” (2)
In conclusion; according to the Bible prophecies listed in this article, it appears that the present world appears to survive at least until the year 2024! This is not a prediction, but rather an educated prophetic observation.
Some scholars teach that little or no time separates the Gog of Magog invasion from the Tribulation period, and others believe the invasion actually occurs during the Tribulation. I agree with those that teach the Ezekiel 38 invasion must conclude at least three and one-half years before the seven-years of tribulation commences. After the Ezekiel invasion Israel may have more than seven-years of weapons supply for energy consumption. They could have ten or more years for all we know. But one thing seems almost certain, that at the mid-point of the Tribulation period when the genocidal campaign of the Antichrist is in full swing, Israelis appear to be fleeing for their lives rather than converting enemy weapons into sources of energy.
(1) Map taken from the images section of Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, page 425.
(2) Quote taken from Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, page 248 under the subtitle of “Why Ezekiel 38 is Probably Pre-Trib.”
Mid-East Prophecy Update
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Jack Van Impe
"Getting Ready"
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Rocket attacks from Gaza resume; Netanyahu threatens
‘more extensive’ response if they continue
IDF Chief of Staff, Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz (center) visits a
coop hit by a rocket fired from Gaza, October 24 2012.
(photo: Shay Wagner/DOTZ/Flash90)
New salvos hit the south Wednesday afternoon; school canceled for the day and residents ordered to stay close to ‘secure rooms’
UN move doesn’t replace negotiations
A Palestinian worker walks behind posters of the
Emir of Qatar and Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister
Ismail Haniyeh, right, (photo credit: Adel Hana/AP)
The Palestinian bid to gain nonmember status at the United Nations does not obviate the necessity for peace talks with Israel, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday.
“We’re ready to go back to negotiations straightaway. Going to the UN is not a substitute for negotiations. We are in need of negotiations to solve the final status of issues that face us both,” Abbas told reporters during a visit of Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev’s to the West Bank city of Ramallah.
“We have resolved to go to the UN to save the two-state solution and to achieve the rights of our people as an observer state,” Reuters quoted Abbas saying.
Netanyahu goes to Gilo, pledges
unabated building in Jerusalem
Benjamin Netanyahu (right) at the weekly cabinet meeting at the
Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem in February 2012
(photo: Marc Israel Sellem/Flash90)
"This is our country and I will continue to give support to building in Jerusalem," Netanyahu says on visit to neighborhood beyond Green Line; comments come ahead of visit by EU's Ashton who slammed new Gilo building plans.
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Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 05:28:45 PM EDT Sudan: Israel behind arms factory blast | Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 12:21:03 PM EDT Netanyahu vows to complete fortification of south | Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 08:07:31 AM EDT Russia: Syria rebels have US-made weapons |
Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 08:01:36 AM EDT Barak: No need to rush into Gaza ground incursion | Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 07:57:44 AM EDT Vatican Denys Deal With Israel on Security Barrier | Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 07:49:36 AM EDT Israeli Southern Residents: We're living on borrowed time |
Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012 08:04:48 PM EDT White House: No bilateral talks scheduled for Iran | Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012 04:38:18 PM EDT Mali crisis: 'Foreign fighters come to help Islamists' | Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012 08:18:33 AM EDT Lebanon army deploys in Beirut and Tripoli |
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White House News ![]() | ||
Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 12:24:24 PM EDT Candidates First Thoughts: Battleground Blitz | Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012 11:47:55 AM EDT Pataki Lauds Romney's Support of Israel | Monday, Oct 22, 2012 12:15:29 PM EDT NBC/WSJ poll: Presidential contest now tied |
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Israel News ![]() Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither | ||
Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012 07:52:07 AM EDT 2 badly hurt in ongoing rocket attack on south | Sunday, Oct 21, 2012 08:53:51 AM EDT Israeli rider seeks to end cycle of cancer deaths | Friday, Oct 19, 2012 07:49:26 AM EDT Report: 70% of buildings may collapse during strong quake |
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Inspired by God ![]()
"The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day." - E. M. Bounds | ||
Sunday, Jun 24, 2012 11:19:49 AM EDT October 24: Our Growth as Christians - Charles Stanley | Sunday, Jun 24, 2012 11:18:21 AM EDT October 24: The Proper Perspective - Oswald Chambers | Wednesday, Oct 05, 2011 11:33:37 AM EDT October 24: Cast Down - Streams in the Desert |
Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 11:36:42 AM EDT A.W. Tozer's Daily Devotional | Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 11:35:45 AM EDT Charles Spurgeon's 'Morning and Evening' Daily Devotional | Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 11:34:26 AM EDT Daily Light 'Morning and Evening' Devotional - Jonathan Bagster |
(in more ways than you can imagine)

Scriptures | ||
Braveheart | GOD Is... | Fear Not, For I Am With You |
Open the Eyes of My Heart | Christ is Your Peace | What God's Word Advises When You Feel Frantic and Stressed |
Eternal Life | ||
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Prayer "A prayerless soul is a Christless soul. Prayer is the lisping of the believing infant, the shout of the fighting believer, the requiem of the dying saint falling asleep in Jesus. It is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honour of a Christian" - Charles H. Spurgeon | ||
Intercessors for America | Prayers for the People - Daniel Eggers | Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer - Campus Crusade |
The Armor of God | ||
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Yeshua in the Old Testament / Tanach The Lord shall also roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. - Joel 3:16 | ||
Mohler: Without Old Testament, Jesus Story Incomplete | Over 300 Prophecies from the Hebrew Scriptures Reveal Messiah | Messianic Prophecies in the Old and New Testament |
Christ in the Old Testament Israel's True Messiah | Introduction to Christ in the Old Testament | Christ in the Old Testament |
Old Testament Prophecies Of Jesus Christ Fulfilled in the New Testament | Muhammad or Jesus: The Prophet Like Unto Moses | |
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Apologetics | ||
THEIR god IS NOT OUR GOD - Eric Barger | Josh McDowell Ministries | Apologetics World Religions - Southern Baptist Convention |
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