When you quote someone out of context to suit a specific agenda, you set them up for public condemnation. Arianna Huffington and her editorial staff should be ashamed of themselves.
When an elected public official wields the club of government against a Christian business in the name of "tolerance," it's not harmless kid stuff -- it's chilling.
The Colorado shooter a member of the Tea Party? It's not the first time that the mainstream media have tried to create a link between conservatives and violence.

How should faith impact culture? And how far should one go to promote a righteous and just society? The movie For Greater Glory wrestles with those questions.
The Avengers is about a fundamentally moral battle. It evokes a truth through narrative fiction that we can experience in real life. Christians need to be unafraid to share about their own Avenger and Savior.
Gov't official trying to restrict pastor's speech
Orlando-based Liberty Counsel is cautioning a Miami-Dade County school superintendent against using a pastor's sermon about homosexuality as reason to rescind his church's lease.
No reason why memorial assoc. shouldn't be included
A San Diego federal judge is to decide whether the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association can have a role in talks concerning the future of the cross.
Even cults have rights ...
A recent California court ruling involving the Church of Scientology should serve as a warning to people about getting involved with such organizations.
States can access federal immigration database
An immigration reform activist says every state in America should follow the example of Washington and obtain access to a federal immigration database, in order to remove non-citizens from their voter rolls.
Boston mayor backtracks on Chick-fil-A fight
The Mayor of Boston has had a change of heart in his stand against Chick-fil-A coming to his town.
Court victory against Obama contraceptive mandate
A federal court in Denver has blocked the Health and Human Services mandate for insurance exchanges under Obamacare to provide free sterilization, contraception and morning after pill coverage.
Ignoring threat 'makes you shake your head'
Cuban-born anti-communist activist Humberto Fontova is outraged that President Obama would say Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez's actions in recent years haven't had a serious impact on the security of the United States.
Romney voices strong support for Israel
JERUSALEM - Mitt Romney would "respect" an Israeli decision to make a unilateral military strike against Iran aimed at preventing Tehran from obtaining nuclear capability, a top foreign policy adviser said Sunday as he outlined the strong posture the Republican presidential candidate will take toward Iran in a speech in Israel later in the day.
Accountability essential in education reform
A national school-choice advocacy organization is praising Louisiana for introducing high-quality accountability into the state's newly-expanded voucher program.
More turmoil over Keystone pipeline
With Tuesday being the deadline for public comments on TransCanada's latest permit request for the Keystone XL pipeline, one free-market advocate is encouraging supporters to make their voices heard.
Plastic vs. paper, reusable
A proposed ban of plastic shopping bags has become a new source of controversy, as one expert claims plastic is better for the environment -- and for the U.S. economy.
Taxpayer-funded vouchers affect enrollment
Nine religious schools that will take in taxpayer-funded voucher students for the upcoming school year will more than double their enrollments with the subsidized students, receiving about $3.6 million in payments from the state.
Oil industry outside of Nationwide's scope
An energy insurance expert says Nationwide's decision not to underwrite risks associated with hydraulic fracturing is not news, although you would never know it by following some news outlets.
Praying for Olympians
Athletes in Action is calling on the Body of Christ to raise up prayer warriors for the Olympics.
Another Chick-fil-A backer
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is taking "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" seriously.
Drug rehab deaths being investigated
After three deaths in nine months, an eastern Oklahoma drug rehab center with ties to the Church of Scientology is being investigated.
Slippery slope inches toward cliff
Democrats may make history this weekend by adopting "gay marriage" in the party's platform.
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