- Colorado Springs Churches, Christians Deliver Relief During 'Apocalyptic' Fire
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- Singapore Pastor Kong Hee Charged With Fraud, Facing Life in Prison
- Conservative Christians Warn American Families at Risk After 'Obamacare' Is Upheld
- Jack Hayford to Perform Benny and Suzanne Hinn's Remarriage
- Singapore Megachurch: Pastor Kong Hee Did Not Misuse Funds for Wife
- Manny Pacquiao Open to Visiting 'Brother in Christ' Floyd Mayweather in Jail
- Exodus International Rejects Reparative Therapy for Gays
- David Platt Still Addressing Controversy Over 'Sinner's Prayer' Remarks
- Supreme Court Upholds 'Obamacare'
- It Can Happen Here: Religious Freedom Threatened
- Texas Teen Gets Permit to Display 12-Foot Cross Near White House
- 'Anti-Cheating Ring' Designed to Prevent Adultery
- Supreme Court 'Obamacare' Decision Full of Irony, Surprise
- The Bigfoot of the Bible (aka 'The Sinner's Prayer')
- Obamacare: HHS Mandate Redefines Religion, Say Christian Legal Experts
- Christian Law Group: Obamacare Is Worse Than You Think
- Pastors: Christianity Rejected, Deemed 'Evil' for Opposing Homosexuality
- Tea Party 'Puts Candidates on Notice' After Court Rules on Obamacare
- Michelle Obama to AME Church: Jesus Didn't Limit Ministry to Four Walls
- When Mature Believers Disagree on Secondary Doctrines
- Dating Your Wife?
- Poll: Most Americans Support 'Obamacare;' Christians Remain Divided
- Randy White Returns; Tells Without Walls 'Forget the Past'
- Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches to Grapple With Same-Sex Marriage, Gay Ordination
- NYC Churches Win Right to Hold Weekend Services in Public Schools
- Kansas School Board Candidate Wants to Ban Evolution From Schools
- Reformed Church Removes 'Conscience' Exemption for Women's Ordination
- NBA Coach and Pastor Mark Jackson Says 'We Must Live Holy' After Extortion Plot Reveals Affair
- Atheists Target Harassment, Aggressive Behavior Within Movement
- Gay Rights Icon Larry Brinkin Arrested on Child Pornography Charges
- Will NAE's Code of Ethics For Pastors Become Professional Standard?
- Meagan Good and DeVon Franklin Officially Marry After Year of Dating
- Obamacare Decision Proves Elections Matter
- Calif. Senate Bill Looks to Protect Clergy From Forced Same-Sex Marriages
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- Black Church Leader: Civility in America at 'All-Time Low'
- Secularist Group's Dallas Billboard Calls on Catholics to 'Quit Church'
- Egypt's President Morsi to Elect a Christian and a Woman as Vice Presidents
- Top 10 Things to Do on the Fourth of July
- Vietnamese Officials Destroy Two New Church Buildings
- Narnia 4 Will Be 'Magician's Nephew,' Not 'Silver Chair'
- Reverse Missions: Back to the Catacombs (Part 3)
- Colorado Springs Churches, Christians Deliver Relief During 'Apocalyptic' Fire

PCUSA to Vote on Gay Clergy, Same-Sex Marriage
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will vote on two highly contentious issues at its General Assembly beginning Saturday with some presbyteries proposing reversal of the right to ordain openly gay and lesbian clergy and some seeking a change to the definition marriage.
NYC Churches Win Right to Hold Weekend Services in Public Schools
The Alliance Defense Fund won on Friday a permanent injunction in the 17-year legal battle involving the Bronx Household of Faith and the NYC Board of Education. Religious groups will now be allowed to meet freely for worship services in public school facilities.
David Platt Still Addressing Controversy Over 'Sinner's Prayer' Remarks
By Lillian Kwon
It was a three-minute video clip that was shared across the evangelical community. In it, Pastor David Platt famously called the "sinner's prayer" "superstitious." A few months later, he still finds himself explaining the heart behind that message.
Will NAE's Code of Ethics For Pastors Become Professional Standard?
By Alex Murashko
Beginning of North American Mission: What Happened to the Others Who Sailed?
By Marvin J. Newell
Why We Must Celebrate Grace
By Paul Tripp

We must keep in view that we are not just instruments but also recipients of daily grace and will never outgrow our need of what grace alone is able to provide. We must remind ourselves that because of that grace, obedience is a privilege, worship is a privilege, sacrifice is a privilege, and ministry is a privilege.
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