
Friday, April 20, 2012

(Problem Fixed) PROPHECY WEEKLY UPDATE: "Rapture Ready" (Early) Saturday April 21 2012 Nisan 29, 5772


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 Daily Bible Verse 
"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." 

(John 1:12)
 Inspired Quote 
"Destiny is not a matter of change, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." 

- William Jennings Bryan
 Uninspired Quote 
"Computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes and perhaps only weigh 1 1/2 tons." - Popular Mechanics, 1949 

- Popular Mechanics, 1949


Rapture Links
Wikipedia: Rapture 
Assembly of God 
Rapture Questions 
Being Ready 
Pre-trib rapture 
Rapture Myths 
Rapture Defended 


The Most Active Pages

Rapture Ready News End time related events (Daily) 
Nearing Midnight In depth weekly commentary (Apr 16) 
The Rapture Index A Gauge of the end times (Apr 16) 
Israel Watch  God's prophetic time clock (Apr 16) 
Interesting E-mail Both the pro and the con (Feb 16)  
End Times Top Ten A ranking of rapture news (Feb 16) 
Rapture Ready Bulletin Board A place to fellowship 
The Soapbox II Newer Articles submitted by readers 
The Soapbox I  Older Articles submitted by readers 
Rapture Ready Radio  News, Christian music, interviews 
Donation Depot RR needs your financial support

The Newest Articles 

Why Did God Do That? Jack Kelley
Interdimensional Travel Ron Graham
They’re At It Again! Donna Wasson
Coming Soon to a Town Near You! Donna Wasson
Repent! The End Is Near! Donna Wasson
So you think you got it all covered... Twobears
Who Killed Jesus? Pete Rose
Repentance  Grant Phillips
Save Us From Ourselves  Grant Phillips
The Struggling Christian  Grant Phillips
Feasts of Weeks(PDF) Daymond Duck
Feast Of Trumpets(PDF) Daymond Duck

Democracy Invades Islam: Book Review by Terry
End Times and Plutocracy Wilfred Hahn
Global Money Trickery & Malfeasance Wilfred Hahn
Judgment Day for the USA? Mike Ecklund
The Last Eight Days, Part 3 Jack Kelley
Alpha And Omega Ron Graham
Ready or Not! Donna Wasson
John The Revelator Saw The Title Deed..  Chambers

What Must I Do To Be Saved?  Grant Phillips
Yellow Jackets  Grant Phillips
You Are Not Your Own  Grant Phillips

Happy Easter? Mike Taylor
Still The Greatest Story Ever Told Jack Kinsella
Love to You All Jim Fletcher
What you need is different,... Don Twobears

The Last Eight Days, Part 2 Jack Kelley
Condemnation Ron Graham
Would the Real Pontius Pilate Please Stand Up?Wasson
Why So Weak? Donna Wasson
Too Cool For Christ Donna Wasson
Kings And Priests To Our God Mike Taylor
What is the “Prayer That Availeth Much” Lloyd
The United States of Religion Donna Wasson

Woe, Don't Mess With God By Tim Cameron
The Last Eight Days, Part 1 Jack Kelley
Confusion Ron Graham
The Cure is everywhere... Don Twobears
Death ain't the End!! Don Twobears
Don’t Confuse Me with Facts Donna Wasson
Meteors and Biblical Prophecy Mike Ecklund
Jesus Christ Crowned King Of Kings Chambers
Rick Warren, Chrislam & Yale Covenant Chambers

Diligently Seek Him  Grant Phillips
Fear God II  Grant Phillips
Hell  Grant Phillips

Are We Religious or Spiritual? Jack Kelley
Speaking the Truth in Love Graham
Death ain't the End! Don Twobears
For Shame! Donna Wasson
Global March to Jerusalem Donna Wasson
Eternity Abandoned for Fleeting Immortality Hahn

Jesus Is Coming Again: Are You Ready?  Lovelace
No Strings Attached  Grant Phillips
Prosperity Or A Curse?  Grant Phillips
Shake A Leg  Grant Phillips
The Shekinah Glory Of Jesus Christ Chambers
The Nature Of The Antichrist Chambers
Lessons From Jonah Jack Kelley
The Rapture of the Ekklēsia Graham

Kirk Cameron And The Left Mike Taylor
Where Is The ACLU? Donna Wasson
Must You?! Donna Wasson

Rick Warren’s Folly: Part 2 Donna Wasson
Petrus Romanus: A Book Review by Terry James

Feast Of First Fruits(PDF) Daymond Duck
Feast Of Unleavend Bread(PDF) Daymond Duck

Something Old, Something New Jack Kelley
Mean Spiritedness Graham

Treatment of Christians by the Palestinians  Curtis
Big Differences: The Koran and Bible Ed Wood
Islam: Obama’s Religion of Love & Peace Stephen Rahal
Rick Warren’s Folly Donna Wasson
A Mere Inconvenience Donna Wasson
The “Mis-Information” of the Times! Don Twobears

For What Ails Ya! Don Twobears
The 6 Words that Sunk the Titanic!” Robert Mandel
Which Thief Are You? By Sandee Lloyd
Prosperity Gospel? Mike Taylor
What Is That To You?  Grant Phillips
Will The Church Go Through The Tribulation? Phillips
Worse and Worse  Grant Phillips
Five Minutes After The Rapture Deborah Jackson 
The City Of Celestial Bliss Chambers

Repentant Sinners Dying Like Flies  Chambers
Intro to Feasts (PDF) Daymond Duck
Feast Of Passover(PDF) Daymond Duck
So Jesus Lived in Occupied Territory? Jan Markel

The Pretribulation Rapture

My Fascination With The Pre-Trib Rapture Stay focused
The Pretribulation Rapture All about the rapture
Defending The Pre-Trib Rapture Replies to the attacks
The Dates Setters Diary Failed end-time predictions
Imminency The heart of the pretribulation rapture 
What Secret Rapture? Will the unbelievers take notice?
Margaret MacDonald Who?  Pre-trib rapture originator?
Preterism! I Can't Believe It Refuting the 70 AD claims 
In Case Of Rapture The post-rapture propagation of RR 
The Think-Not Generation Apathy: a sign of the rapture  

The Armageddon Clock Ticking down to the rapture 
Sucker's Bet Why it's foolish to bet against the rapture 
The Rapture: Answering the Critics Our full-time job 
The Worn-Out Warning Apathy as a perfect timing 
2012  Is there anything special about this year?  
A Thief In The Night  Is it really a secret?  

The Tribulation Hour

The Master Plan for Rapture Ready The blueprint 
End of Days Scenarios Things to come 
European Union In Prophecy Europe in prophecy 
America in Bible Prophecy What is Uncle Sam's role?  
Iraq in Prophecy Why Iraq is a key end time player 
The Campaign Of Armageddon A study of this event 
Tribulation Saint Wannabes Sober words to think about 
The End of the World? The future of our planet 
End-Time Timeline Future prophetic end-time events 
Second Coming Ready  At the end of the tribulation
How To Survive Hard Economic Times Financial Tribulation

Information For Those Left Behind

The Left Behind Letters Letters to the tribulation saints 
Oops, I Guess I Wasn't Ready! If you missed the rapture 
The Post Rapture Survival Guide   Plan for the left behind 
Second Chance for Salvation There is still hope
Future Employees of Rapture Ready The Lord's work 
Memorandum A note from those who were raptured

Understanding Bible Based Truth

What Should Christians Be Doing? Sound advice 
Lazy People The sin of doing nothing 
A Crisis Of Faith How to overcoming Doubt  
The Disintegration Process The temporal nature of life 
Your Final Final Final Warning This time we're serious
Understanding Truth How to go about finding truth
More Bad News For Our Critics The truth hurts 
Seven Major Approaches to Prophecy Key views
Nothing New Under The Sun How to stay out of trouble
Too Optimistic people can become prisoners of optimism
God's Billionaires Where do you store your treasure?
Supercalifragilisticexpialidociousism Just keep it simple
Instantaneous Nullification The rapture = install relief
Prophecy From The Past Prophecy from 1800's
The Dead Frog Report How society got into hot water
Scary Scary Stuff There's a good reason to be scared 
Money: The Heart of the Matter A search for true wealth 
Donuts in Heaven Setting your end-time priorities 
Don’t Drink The Kool-Aid Strange brews and doctrines 
Everybody Loves A Hypocrite People we love to hate 
The Bird Cage The need for moral canaries 
God's Yes Men Faith is not about patronization 
Fate, Luck and the Will of God Finding our destiny 
Downward Spiral Dealing with addiction 
The Bible: Can We Trust It? Defending the Bible 
Nations in Prophecy Countries with end-time roles 
Forgiveness A Christian guide on how to forgive

Do All Religions Pray to the Same God? Not really  
Eternal Rewards What heaven has in store for you
Spiritual Dominoes With God there is no small deed  
Down the Toilet  How standards have changed 
Intellectual Viruses Ideas that corrupt the truth 
Zip, Zero, Zilch  All things of this world
A Special Place In Hell  Why hell exists
Sin and My '86 Sunbird  How sin progresses
Green Bananas End-time priorities 
Satan's Doom The devil's fate  
God's Lottery  What determines fate
Playing Chess With The Devil An uneven match 
Absolutely Positively Whole-Heartedly Wrong truth
The End Time Gospel & the Internet Age 
All the Money in the World

Salvation Issues

Are You Rapture Ready? The most important decision 
Walking On Water Difficulties and obstacles to overcome 
The Mysterious Jesus How people can find Him 
Downward Spiral Dealing with addiction 
Testimonies How some folks came to know Jesus
The Foundation of My Faith Why I have faith in God

Apologetics - Contending For Truth

Apologetics Defending the Faith 
666: The Number Of The Beast The meaning of 666 
The Antichrist; Have You Seen This Man? The names 
Heresy Hunters Be Gone Someday we will be gone 
Satan's Little Helpers The Media: who else could it be 
I'm A Better Christian than You The sanctified crowd 
The Teachings of Islam Quotes from Islamic writings 
Myths and Facts about Israel Sorting truth from fiction 
The Most Evil Man You've Never Heard Of Mr. Ewing 
Bible Prophecy and Environmentalism The conflict 
Hey, Where's My Flying Car Technology has failed us 
Magical Thinking A study of self-delusion 
The Infidels A label not just for Christians 
If I heard the Lord Correctly... Modern day prophets
Where are the Champions of the Faith?

Featured End Time Writers

Jack Kelley A well-loved featured write for Rapture Ready 
Ron Graham  A gifted writer from the 'show me' state
Wilfred Hahn Specializes in the end-time role of money
Grant Phillips  A Bible teacher and minister by music 

Jan Markell Founder of Olive Tree Ministries 
Daymond Duck   Selected sermons by Pastor Duck 
Randall Price An expert on Israel and biblical archaeology 
David Reagan Plainspoken prophetic commentary 
Joseph Chambers The classical Pentecostal preacher 
Thomas Ice Mr. Rapture: The pre-trib heavy artillery 
The Kent Crockett Compilation Christian author 
Britt Gillette He is on the razor's edge of Bible prophecy
Dave Hunt One of America's leading Bible apologists
Terry James Various rapture related studies

Other Languages

Spanish - Espanol Key Rapture Ready articles in Spanish 
French - Français Key Rapture Ready articles in French 
German - Deutsch Key Rapture Ready articles in German 
Japanese Articles Key Rapture Ready articles in Japanese

General Topics

The Best Of The Christian Classics Leaders from all ages 
The King James Bible The king of Bible translations 
Who's Who Of Prophecy Noteworthy people in prophecy 
Rapture Ready History Visual record from 1987-2009 
ABC's Of Prophecy Key end-time terms defined 
Would Jesus Vote Republican? Politics and moral issues 
Drug Remedies For Spiritual Problems Wishful cures 
End Time Ailments And Conditions  Prophetic Illnesses
End-Time Economy Forecast of Last-Days Indicators 
Humor Break Life is not all gloom and doom 
Who Is This Joker? A little bit about RR's founder 
Totter Topple Tumble Tilt  A submission page for errors 
Old Articles Page Our overflow page 
The Link Page  Links prophecy & rapture websites

Email Contacts

Todd Strandberg – Fearless leader and founder of 

Terry James – The "general" editor and cat lover. As a gifted speaker, Terry does most of the site's media interviews. 

Several people have asked me if they could reproduce articles found on this web page. I always say, "Yes of course." In fact, readers may disseminate this information via mail, e-mail, airmail, oral conversation, billboards, carrier pigeons, pony express, smoke signals; by means of telephone, television, telegraph, teletype; through Braille, sign language, placing messages in bottles, drum beats, books, CD's, radio, and telepathy for you New Age folks. When the rapture should take place, resulting in my absence, it will become necessary for tribulation saints to mirror or financially support this site.



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